A&R | afforestation and reforestation 造林再造林 |
AAUs | assigned amount units 分配數量單位 |
ADB | asian development bank 亞洲開發銀行 |
AIJ | activities implemented jointly 共同執行活動 |
CDCF | community development carbon fund 社區發展碳基金 |
CDM | clean development mechanism 清潔發展機制 |
CERs | certified emission reductions 核證的減排 |
CERUPT | certified emission reduction unit procurement tender 核證的減排量單位采購招標計劃 |
CO2 | carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 |
COP | conference of the parties 締約方大會 |
COP/MOP | conference of the parties serving as meeting of the parties to the Kyoto締約方大會作為《京都議定書》締約方會議 |
DNA | designated national authority 指定的國家主管機構 |
DOE | designated operational entity 指定經營實體 |
EB | executive board of the CDM 清潔發展機制執行理事會 |
EIT | economies in transition 經濟轉型國家 |
ERPA | emission reduction purchase agreement 減排購買協議 |
ERUs | emission reduction units 減排量單位 |
EU | european union 歐洲聯盟 |
FDI | foreign direct investment 對外直接投資 |
GEF | global environment facility 全球環境基金 |
GHG | greenhouse gas 溫室氣體 |
IPCC | inter-governmental panel on climate change 政府間氣候變化專門委員會 |
JI | joint implementation 聯合履約 |
LULUCF | land use land use change and forest 土地利用,土地利用變化和林業 |
NCDF | Netherlands’ clean development facility 荷蘭清潔發展基金 |
NGO | nongovernmental organization 非政府組織 |
ODA | official development assistance 官方發展援助基金 |
OE | operational entity 經營實體 |
OECD | organization for economic co-operation and development 經濟合作組織 |
PCF | prototype carbon fund原型碳基金 |
UNFCCC | united nations framework convention on climate change聯合國氣候變化框架公約 |